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Experience a lifestyle that goes beyond all notions of fixed paychecks and boring work-hours
Potential Earnings and Benefits
Noble Profession
Financial Associates do not only sell an insurance product; they also offer financial advice to customers and provide continuous service.
Financial Associates do not only sell an insurance product; they also offer financial advice to customers and provide continuous service.
Our FAs act as a source of hope to the customers by providing the right life insurance and all necessary supports.
Unlimited Income Range
A Financial Associate can earn renewal commission for up to 27 years, even if they leave the company.
A Financial Associate can earn renewal commission for up to 27 years, even if they leave the company.
The accumulated renewal commission from a Financial Associates enforced policy makes for a handsome amount of income. Retirement age for our associates is 65 years, which gives our associates the opportunity to continue earning more commissions.
Pension Scheme
You can even earn after retirement through MetLife Pension Scheme.
You can even earn after retirement through MetLife Pension Scheme.
This is a contributory scheme where a Financial Associate, after completing predetermined criteria, contributes 5% of their commissions and MetLife also matches the monthly contribution.
Group Coverage
MetLife offers Group Coverage for qualified Financial Associates and their dependents that includes Life Coverage, Disability and Medical coverage..
MetLife offers Group Coverage for qualified Financial Associates and their dependents that includes Life Coverage, Disability and Medical coverage..
Coverage amount depends on annual income of the Financial Associates and the maximum limit is BDT 15,00,000 for natural death and BDT 30,00,000 for accidental death.
Fast Track Career Growth
Our company guidelines help young talent to climb up the career ladder quickly.
Our company guidelines help young talent to climb up the career ladder quickly.
A Financial Associate may be able to get promoted to a Unit Manager as quickly as within 3 years. Similarly, from an UM, the minimum time required to get promoted to a Branch Manager is only 3 years. Throughout an FA’s career we provide training and development programs to nurture future leaders.
Employment at a Multinational Company
CompanyWorking with a Fortune 500 company will open new doors for you, and it will be a life-changing experience.
CompanyWorking with a Fortune 500 company will open new doors for you, and it will be a life-changing experience.
We maintain a global standard policy which makes our product more secure and reliable. It provides competitive advantage to our associates, when they are selling our products.
International Training Opportunities
As a global company, we organize international workshops and training sessions to expose our employees to various corporate and cultural experiences.
As a global company, we organize international workshops and training sessions to expose our employees to various corporate and cultural experiences.
In last 5 years, we have arranged such overseas sessions in 11 countries. These trainings are resourceful and enjoyable at the same time.
Freedom to Set Work Hours
Freedom to Set Work HoursFinancial associates are at full liberty to schedule their working hours. Unlike other professionals, flexible business hours and mobility allow them to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Freedom to Set Work HoursFinancial associates are at full liberty to schedule their working hours. Unlike other professionals, flexible business hours and mobility allow them to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
The only exception arises in the case of attending mandatory regular morning meetings at the agency office, which are required for self-development.
Business with Zero Investment
From the moment someone signs up to be a Financial Associate at MetLife, with zero investment, they can thrive to excel.
From the moment someone signs up to be a Financial Associate at MetLife, with zero investment, they can thrive to excel.
If they are passionate enough to get into the sales business and work hard, the return is higher than any other traditional business. MetLife provides the FAs with all the necessary resources to run their own business independently.
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