Awards and Accolades

MetLife is known to be a top global performer for its prolonged success and dedication

Awards and Accolades

Awards and Recognitions of MetLife around the World

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Awards of MetLife Bangladesh

  • Since the introduction of Highest Taxpayers Award in FY 2009-2010, MetLife Bangladesh has received top taxpayers award “Tax Card” from National Board of Revenue (NBR) in almost every year
  • The Company has achieved the highest credit rating of ‘AAA’ since the rating for insurance companies began in Bangladesh in 2010
  • MetLife Bangladesh received the Digital Excellence Award 2018 from Citibank, N.A. in 2018
  • MetLife Bangladesh Achieved The Bangladesh Best Employer Brand Awards 2018 in Insurance Sector
  • MetLife Bangladesh won second prize in the Bima Mela 2017 procession


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