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MetLife Endowment – Growth

For the first time, MetLife is introducing a policy called MetLife Endowment Growth which is a combination of financial growth and insurance protection where our policyholder can possibly get higher amount due to investment in the equity market. In this policy, investment and post-investment decisions will be taken by professional fund manager. This equity backed product has been designed in such a way that you have the possibility of getting higher maturity amount. There are also other benefits including long term protection and reversionary and terminal bonus.

Opportunity to choose long term financial security from various policy terms

Available policy terms for MetLife Endowment-Growth are 16-20 years, 25 years and 30 years

Reversionary and Terminal bonus at maturity or on death claim of the insured during covered tenure

There are two types of bonus in this policy: Reversionary bonus and Terminal Bonus.

The reversionary bonus (if declared) for each year during the policy term will be paid on maturity or for the period applicable on death of the insured. Reversionary bonus is calculated on the face amount of the policy. If the policy is surrendered before maturity then only the cash value of reversionary bonus is payable.

The rate of terminal bonus depends on the investment yielding rate of existing market, stock market performance and the performance of company's participating fund which are variable( might increase or decrease). 



Possibility of higher return due to equity based fund management

Equity market based fund management: A major change in MetLife Endowment Growth has been brought through investment in equity market. A portion of the fund of Endowment Growth will be invested in equity market. All investment decisions will be taken by professional fund manager.


1.      This Policy is underwritten by American Life Insurance Company (‘MetLife’) and is always subject to the terms and conditions described in the Policy. The information contained in this page is intended only for general understanding of the customers. The terms, conditions and exclusions are included in the contract of insurance. For any discrepancies between the information contained herein and contract of insurance, the later shall prevail.

2.      If any discrepancies are found between Bangla and English version of this page, English version shall be considered as correct.

3.      This Policy is not available in the United States, or offered to U.S. persons; for purposes of this statement, a U.S. person is a citizen or resident of United States (including a U.S. permanent resident residing outside the U.S.), U.S. partnership and any trust that is controlled by one or more U.S. persons and is subject to the supervision of a U.S. Court.

4.      The term “Rider” wherever used herein shall mean and include any supplementary contract(s) attached with the basic Policy. The Rider is not a standalone product and it requires a basic Policy (the information/list of eligible basic Policy will be available to MetLife Financial Associate(s) and the required basic Policy(ies) shall be determined by MetLife) to become operative. The Rider (if any) attached with the basic Policy, will be automatically terminated on the termination and/or expiry date of the Rider or at the end of the Premium payment term, whichever is earlier.