MetLife Bangladesh: FAQ

MetLife Bangladesh: FAQ

'পলিসি সারেন্ডার' বলতে  একটি পলিসির মেয়াদ সম্পূর্ণ হওয়ার আগেই সেই পলিসি ভেঙে ফেলাকে বুঝায়। তার মানে পলিসিটি আর না চালিয়ে আপনি পলিসির প্রযোজ্য আর্থিক সুবিধা বা সারেন্ডার ভ্যালু নিতে চিন্তা করছেন। 

বীমা পলিসি সুনির্দিষ্ট  মেয়াদ পর্যন্ত আপনাকে আর্থিক সুরক্ষা প্রদান করে।  যেহেতু  শুরু থেকেই বীমা কোম্পানি আপনাকে এই সুনির্দিষ্ট  মেয়াদ পর্যন্ত আপনাকে আর্থিক সুরক্ষা দেওয়ার প্রস্তুতি গ্রহণ  করে, মেয়াদ শেষ হওয়ার আগে পলিসি ভেঙে বা সারেন্ডার করে ফেললে এই পলিসির উপর সারেন্ডার চার্জ আরোপ করা হয়।

সারেন্ডার চার্জ এর হার নির্ভর করে আপনি পলিসি করার পর কতদিনের মধ্যে সারেন্ডার করতে চাচ্ছেন। পলিসি চালুর প্রথম বছর এই চার্জ ১০০% পর্যন্ত হতে পারে এবং একটি নির্দিষ্ট সময়সীমা পর্যন্ত এই চার্জ এর হার ক্রমান্বয়ে কমতে থাকে। তাই আপনি যদি পলিসিটি তাড়াতাড়ি সারেন্ডার করে ফেলেন সেক্ষেত্রে আপনি যে আর্থিক সুবিধা বা সারেন্ডার ভ্যালু পাবেন তা  আপনি যে পরিমাণ প্রিমিয়াম জমা করেছেন তার থেকে কম বা পলিসির ধরণ অনুযায়ী এর পরিমাণ শূন্যও হতে পারে।

তাই পলিসি সারেন্ডার করার আগে চিন্তা করে দেখুন সত্যিই আপনার পলিসিটি ভাঙা প্রয়োজন কিনা এবং ভবিষ্যতের অনাকাঙ্খিত ঘটনা মোকাবেলায় আপনি আর্থিকভাবে প্রুস্তুত কিনা। 

মনে রাখা জরুরী,  আপনার বিদ্যমান পলিসিটি সারেন্ডার করে যদি ভবিষ্যতে নতুন করে আবার পলিসি করতে চান সেক্ষেত্রে আপনার প্রদেয় প্রিমিয়াম বর্তমানের থেকে বেশি হবে (যেহেতু আপনার বয়স ও অন্যান্য ঝুঁকি ততদিনে বেড়ে যাবে)।

এজন্য পলিসি থেকে পরিপূর্ণ আর্থিক সুবিধা পাওয়ার সবচেয়ে সহজ ও সেরা উপায় হচ্ছে নিয়মিত প্রিমিয়াম দিয়ে পলিসিটি চালিয়ে নিয়ে যাওয়া।

আপনার যদি জরুরি আর্থিক প্রয়োজন থাকে সেক্ষেত্রে কিছু শর্ত ও নিয়মাবলী পূরণ সাপেক্ষে আপনি আপনার পলিসির সাপেক্ষে লোন বা ঋন নিতে পারেন।

Automatic Premium Loan (APL) helps the policyholder to keep his/her policy active and enjoy the insurance coverage in case of missed premium payment within the Grace Period (31 days from premium payment due date).

The premium is automatically paid from the Cash Value (if available) of the policy when APL occurs. APL will continue until the Cash value is sufficient to deduct the outstanding premium. Interest will be charged from the day the Policy runs with APL.

Making a claim can be distressing when you have a lot on your mind. We have made the process as simple as possible. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you further.

Step 1 – Inform us about any claim you want to make within 10 calendar days from the date of the incident. You can write, fax, call or send us an e-mail mentioning your policy number with the date and cause of the incident along with your current contact address. Please write to: Claims Department MetLife Bangladesh Building, 18-20 Motijheel C/A, P.O.BOX. 9, Dhaka-1000 Bangladesh Call us at: +880-2-9561791 Fax us at: 880-2-7119780 E-mail us at:

Step 2 – Send us all the documents related to your claim within 30 calendar days from the incident date. Refer to the required documents section to find what documents are needed for the claim to be processed. Please make sure that all the documents related to your claim are written in either English or Bengali. Documents that are not in English or Bengali (i.e. overseas treatment for any disease or accident) need to be translated by a certified translator before you send them to us.

Step 3 – Follow the above steps carefully to make the claim process as fast as possible, as otherwise your claim could be delayed or potentially rejected. In certain cases, we may initiate a claims investigation through our appointed investigating agencies or ask you to undergo a medical examination before we can settle your claim. Should this be necessary, we will inform you.

To make sure your claim is processed as quickly as possible, you or someone on your behalf need to inform us of any claim you want to make within 10 calendar days from the date of the incident. Making the claims process as convenient as possible, you can write, fax, call or e-mail us.

Yes, that is possible. Please make sure that when you file your claim, you also provide the required details for all costs. That way MetLife Bangladesh’s claims staff will ensure the correct amounts are calculated when processing your claim form.

The eligibility into the group is determined in conjunction with your employer as MetLife Bangladesh provides corporate medical insurance to your company. In almost all cases, your employer will extend cover to all employees who are actively at work. You may want to talk directly to your employer or your HR department to see what they have arranged for you.

 At first, check what your company policy covers you for. Quite often, this cover provides initial basic insurance that may not be sufficient to cover all your needs. How much and what type of cover you need will depend on your own individual circumstances. The best way to find out what’s ideal for you is to fill out MetLife Bangladesh’s short contact us form and request a call from one of our qualified consultants. They’ll help you determine what your current needs are and what these might be in the future, in case you need to cover your spouse or children for example. Every call is confidential, free of charge, and without obligations. We look forward to hearing from you

You should take a policy from MetLife Bangladesh. If you would like to discuss this further, please fill out our short contact us form and one of our qualified experts will be happy to contact you to answer any questions you might have.

At MetLife Bangladesh, we do our best to register new members as quickly as possible. Our standard turnaround time for issuing MetLife Hospitalization Insurance Cards, Medical Care Program Cards or Life Cards, following enrolment, is 7 working days.

MetLife Bangladesh’s standard Group Policy provides comprehensive medical coverage. However, as with all insurance providers, we have to take your individual circumstances into consideration. If you have a pre-existing condition, a congenital anomaly or special medical needs of another sort this may impact the cover you receive. If this is the case, your group policy will always outline the extent of cover, including any specific exclusions and benefit maximums. You can always talk to one of our MetLife insurance experts, if you are unsure about your cover. Simply fill out MetLife Bangladesh’s short contact us form and one of our experts will contact you.

Yes, that is possible. Please make sure that when you file your claim, you also provide the required details for all costs. That way MetLife Bangladesh’s claims staff will ensure the correct amounts are calculated when processing your form. Please note though that you can’t submit group and individual claims together.

At MetLife Bangladesh, we recommend that as a Group Policy member you notify us and submit your claims as soon as they are incurred. As this might not always be possible, we ask you to submit the claim form no later than 30 days from the date of expense.

Once MetLife Bangladesh receives all the relevant and completed documentation for a claim, it will be processed within 14 working days or less.

MetLife Bangladesh’s geographical limit coverage can be set at whatever area is appropriate for a specific company. Depending on the need, we offer insurance coverage locally, regionally and worldwide. It's important to check the extent of your coverage with your employer, should you plan to travel abroad.

For treatment coverage outside Bangladesh, your employer’s Group Policy should have worldwide coverage. Direct settlement or cashless facilities are not available though, as overseas hospitalization claims are reimbursed in Bangladesh Taka according to Reasonable & Customary (R&C) charges for the same kind of treatment or procedure in Bangladesh.

MetLife Bangladesh is able to settle expenses for any benefits that have been approved through our pre-determination process within our Network Hospital Providers inside Bangladesh. However, MetLife Bangladesh have no providers outside Bangladesh and are unable to offer direct billing in-patient facility. This is due mostly to the country’s restrictions on outward foreign currency remittances.

MetLife Bangladesh don't set a limit to the number of dependents that can be covered under the plans. Your employer might has set a limit, as they are the policyholders.

The cover and benefits provided by your Group Insurance are agreed between your employer and MetLife Bangladesh. If your employer has arranged coverage for your family, you can quite easily add your family to the policy. However, if your employer's policy with MetLife Bangladesh does not include a family coverage or a higher cover, but you wish to insure your family or increase cover, you could talk to one of MetLife Bangladesh’s personal insurance advisers for a more detailed plan, suitable for your requirements. The easiest way to get in touch with an advisor is to fill out the short contact us form and one of our experts will contact you.

Your group insurance benefits are specified and agreed between your employer and MetLife Bangladesh. Your employer will be able to provide you with the details of your group policy. If you find your group Insurance doesn't cover you sufficiently enough, you can talk to us about an Individual policy that offers the extra benefits you want. If you'd like to talk to MetLife Bangladesh about what Individual coverage will best complement your group coverage, simply fill out our short contact us form and one of our experts will contact you in private and at no extra cost to you.

Depending on the type of policy you own, you could pay your premiums quarterly, semi-annually or annually. You can choose the payment term that suits your situation and budget. You can also pay monthly, if you have a DPS Policy with us. For some other policies, you can make a one-off payment known as a single premium payment. No matter what payment mode or policy type, the initial or first premium must be paid in advance.

Yes, you will receive a Money Receipt as an acknowledgement of any payment that is made to us.

Please go to our pay premium section for information

The main purpose of life insurance is to provide financial support for anyone you might leave behind in the unfortunate event of your death. The money your insurance will provide will ensure that your family can maintain their current lifestyle and can cover costs like school fees and bills. Life insurance plans can also be a form of savings or even be an added income for your retirement.

You'll need to think about what is required to cover your family’s needs if you aren’t there. Gather your personal financial information, while considering fixed monthly bills, school fees, outstanding loans, and other potential future expenses. In order to help you best, simply you can fill out the short contact me form and one of our experts will contact you, at no cost and without obligation, to discuss your needs. It's worth remembering that the earlier you make the decision to insure yourself the more affordable it can be.

The eligibility criteria for a product may vary depending on the type of policy you want to buy. Visit our Solutions section to view the range of products we offer, including the eligibility criteria for each. This will help you to get a better idea of what might be right for you and your family. You can also talk to one of our personal insurance experts for a more detailed plan to meet your specific requirements. The easiest way to get in touch is to fill out the short contact me form at the end of the solutions section and we will contact you.

This is a question that will depend on your own individual circumstances. The size of your family, fixed monthly expenses, your age, medical condition, and other factors will have an influence on how much cover you need. The fastest way to determine your ideal cover is to fill out our short Contact Me form and an insurance expert will contact you. Asking a few personal questions, they'll will help to determine what your needs are now and in the future. Every discussion is confidential, without any obligation, and at no cost to you.

The eligibility criteria for a product may vary depending on the type of policy you want to buy. Visit our solutions section to view the range of products we offer, including the eligibility criteria for each. This will help you to get a better idea of what might be right for you and your family. You can also talk to one of our personal insurance experts for a more detailed plan to meet your specific requirements. The easiest way to get in touch is to fill out the short contact me form at the end of the solutions section and we will contact you.

Like most insurers, our policies don't generally cover pre-existing conditions. But we do recommend that you get in touch with one of our insurance experts to discuss your individual case. Fill out our Contact Me form and one of our experts will contact you.

In general, the coverage amount can be reduced, but it is subject to individual’s policy terms and conditions. Alternatively, an individual can call MetLife Bangladesh with policy details and check whether the policy can be adjusted as per need.

Download and print a “Change Personal Details Form” from MetLife Bangladesh’s forms library section and send it to the relevant address via post or fax.

It's a good idea to review the cover you have at least once a year. If things in your life are changing rapidly (such as marriage, moving home or expanding your business), you may need to review it more often. In fact it’s vital to review your insurance coverage, if there is a major change, such as marriage or having a baby. The easiest way to make sure you have adequate cover is talking to your MetLife personal advisers. They'll help you to determine your needs.

The first check what your company policy covers you for. Quite often, this cover provides initial basic insurance that may not be sufficient to cover all your needs. How much and what type of cover you need will depend on your own individual circumstances. The best way to find out what’s ideal for you is to fill out our short contact us form and request a call from one of our qualified consultants. They’ll help you determine what your current needs are and what these might be in the future, in case you need to cover your spouse or children for example. Every call is confidential, free of charge, and without obligations. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Simply share your contacts with us and we will get back to you soon with the help you need.

we will get back to you soon with the help you need.